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Senior student writing at desk
Students age 55 and older can take credit and noncredit courses at AACC in a variety of ways.

Learn how to pay for each type of course as a senior adult.

Taking a Senior Adult Course at AACC or a Senior Center

Only students 55 and older may enroll in senior adult courses which meet at AACC or one of the Anne Arundel County senior centers. The fee structure is the same for senior courses regardless of where they meet, however, the registration process is slightly different.


Registration for Senior Adult Courses Meeting at AACC

Seniors and disabled retirees can register for senior adult courses meeting in Arnold online, by mail or in person. These classes are listed in the senior course section of the Schedule of Noncredit Classes and follow the same registration dates as all other noncredit open enrollment classes.

Registration for Courses Meeting at the Senior Centers

The quickest way to register is online, but you may also register in person at the senior centers, on campus or by mail. You may visit the Anne Arundel County Senior Activity Center where the course meets, or AACC's Continuing Education registration counter in the Center for Applied Learning and Technology Room 115 in Arnold. The best way to find your senior adult course is to visit the course search and select a term, then senior citizen courses. Senior centers also may advertise those courses listed at their centers. For those listings, contact the senior center or visit the center's website. Links to each center's website can be found at Anne Arundel County Senior Activity Center.


Seniors 60 or older may take an unlimited number of senior adult courses for an $80 per three-month cycle plus supply, registration, out-of-county and out-of-state fees per course as applicable. Students 55 to 59 pay $40 tuition per course in addition to the $80 three-month cycle fee. For questions concerning pricing for these courses, call the Continuing Education registration office at 410-777-2325.

Taking a Noncredit Course for Personal Enrichment.

Seniors are welcome and encouraged to join all students 16 years and older in registering for noncredit courses for personal enrichment. Personal enrichment courses include arts and crafts, beer and wine, cooking, music, photography, pet ownership, and many more. These classes are available at all AACC locations. AACC’s Peer Learning Partnership, Encore Chorale, Guild for L.I.F.E. (Learning is for Everyone) and LifeStages courses, though popular among seniors, are open enrollment noncredit courses; therefore, seniors follow the same noncredit registration process.


Register for noncredit courses online or in person in the same way as other students.


Senior adults pay full price for noncredit personal enrichment courses that have a dagger (†) next to the price. Any noncredit courses that are not seniors-only and do not have a dagger are tuition-free for Maryland residents age 60 or older by the first day of class. For these courses, seniors pay a $10 per course course fee, any fees indicated in the course description and the out-of-county fee if applicable. 

Taking a Noncredit Course for Job Training

AACC offers a variety of professional certification and job training courses that are noncredit, meaning they do not lead toward a two-year degree or credit certificate. Such training may include truck driving, casino dealer school, real estate licensure, nurse refresher certification or family child care provider.


Seniors register for noncredit courses in the same way as all other students; however, many of these courses qualify as tuition-free for seniors age 60 and older who live in Maryland.


Noncredit classes which do not have a dagger (†) next to the price and are not senior-only classes qualify as tuition-free for Maryland residents age 60 or older. For these tuition-waived courses, seniors pay a $10 registration fee per course, plus any fees indicated in the course description and the out-of-county fee if applicable. Seniors residing out of the state must pay the full course cost (including tuition, registration and course lab fees) plus the out-of-county and out-of-state fees. For courses with a dagger, students pay full price.

Taking a Credit Course for a Degree or Certificate

It’s never too late in life to start that new career. In fact, you may be surprised by the number of seniors who pursue a degree or certificate at AACC.


Even though it may have been awhile since you attended high school, you’ll need to follow the same steps as a high school senior to register at AACC, starting with the completion of the college application. You only need to apply once, then register for credit courses the same as other credit students.


Good news! AACC credit courses are tuition-free for seniors age 60 and older who register by the first day of the credit term. Seniors pay only a $25 per term registration fee, plus all applicable student and course fees.

Taking a Credit Course for Personal Enrichment

If you’re taking a credit course for personal enrichment and you’re not concerned about applying it toward a degree or earning a grade, auditing may be your best option. Auditing allows you to participate in the class, but not earn a grade or receive credit. Students who audit a class are under no obligation for regular attendance, preparation, recitation or examination. No financial aid or VA benefits can be awarded for an audited course.

Learn more about auditing a course.


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For credit application inquiries:

For credit registration inquiries:
Records & Registration

For noncredit registration inquiries:
Continuing Education & Workforce Development